Saturday, August 30, 2008

Of Free Spirits ..

When it’s funny,

When I am happy,

I laugh out aloud…

When I do well,

Oh! I can tell,

I feel so proud!

When I feel pinched,

And emotionally lynched,

I just cry …

When I feel bored,

And mentally sored,

I sit blank and dry..

When I am thrilled,

With joy, am filled,

I like to sing..

When I feel cheesy,

And want things breezy,

I do a Chandler Bing..

When I am disgusted,

With minds un-dusted,

I move away…

When I am concerned,

And backs are turned,

I register my say..

When I’m confused,

And unclear on facts,

I donot opine..

When I think I know,

That things are ‘So’,

I state, with a sign.

When I know I am wrong,

I donot take long,

To undo my act,

When you ain’t in the right,

And feel ‘sorry’- in a flight,

I’ll forgive, it’s a pact!

When I’m in good cheer,

Tragic hope or fear-

I’ll crack a joke,

When I dun feel I gel,

I won’t bother ring a bell,

With any random bloke!

When I am upbeat,

N music kicks my feet,

I will jump about and dance,

When beat does not click,

Or make my heart tick,

I’ll be Pinochio in France ..

23 hours I can spend,

Without laughing a bend ,

For 60 minutes of ‘my kind’ ..

A lifetime I’ll invest,

In patient search of The Best,

And I will seek, until I Find..

A second of real laughter,

A second of real pain,

A second of real anger,

A momentary rush in vein….

Is life in all its glory!

Is life as it ought to be!

I express a felt emotion:

I am I. And I am FREE.

A real emotion- felt and told,

The Unsabotaged, and the unsold,

Is pure, is sacred, is truly divine.

Use it in random fashion,

Stripped of honest passion,

N It’s spirit you’d undermine.

Go ahead,

Choose to cry,

Choose to Love,

Choose to Lust,

But, Do it coz you so WISH

And not merely coz you Must.

Real Emotion: Real to the person concerned. Is felt within them. Originates there,

And is the sole cause driving their action.

e.g, someone laughing along with a group of ‘social intellectuals’, on a joke about the current crop of the spineless politicians, with no real clue/ concern about the issue in question- just to “gel in” with the group, will never be able to savour the moment, the laughter in the true sense.

Now, the idea is not to prosecute the person for this ignorant action.

It is quite common, natural and human.

The idea is to tell him, that it is Okay to not find it funny. There is no obligation to laugh; that there is greater sense of worth & esteem attached in laughing on a santa-banta joke, if so be it. Only that kind of laughter is therapeutic, and blissful.

Donot negate your identity, by negating your view of life, the world, of reality as you perceive it.

All of us are born with certain energies within us- a very simplistic version of the whole funda of karma and dharma.

Simple Physics:

Energy can neither be created, not destroyed. It simply changes from one form to another. Suppressing your real instincts, your true energies does not finish them off. They just find another vent, after being pumped uncomfortably inside for a long time, until when it can just not be contained anymore.

Why suppress? Live it. Expend it. And move on…

Why, for example, even if some one is excessively promiscuous – maybe beyond the norms of social acceptance- to the point where the society may label them a ‘whore’.. I think the society must give them the space to breathe- as long as their interests donot directly hurt those of others. [e.g reckless sexual behavior, out of consent of the partners, or spreading STD’s – these call for society’s intervention. Nothing else in their private domain does. ]

Oh! Disagree with them. Surely, you can find something fundamentally incorrect in their behavior, but so do ten other people who know you, will find in yours. Why not begin by fixing those-before you go around indulging in these unsolicited acts of social good, and charity.

(here I will digress a little.. again, this was unplanned )

What amuses me most is that once someone was vocally blowing hot and cold about how Homosexual behavior is sinful, coz it destroys the social moral order (Oh, how concerned they were, about the innocent little children around us, who would be impacted by such dirt around them .. !)

And the same person goes ahead a few months later, and is complicit in the most atrociously dirty action ever- maligning a colleague’s reputation and hurting their very identity by means of an evil, dirty plot. (which in rogueland, they might call a “prank” *Oh gawdd that trashy bnehaviour still boils my blood in rage* )

What is sinful, O Lord?

Trying to live a private life on your own terms (unconventional as those might be), without violating those of others?

Or directly invading into someone’s private territory, and deliberately and consciously causing hurt and pain to someone, and deriving satisfaction out of it?

Again, some words I hate.. totally beyond loathing!

Morals and ethics. Coz they represent grossly distorted forms of simple logic, and lend themselves to merry manipulation.

These concepts donot exist. Except in the Land of Lies n deception.

A is A. Is A. Is A.

A ain’t A by vote or majority opinion.

It is A by virtue of being nothing frm B- Z, but A.

It is not ours to tell others what “A” looks like, sounds like… feels like.

Let them decide how they define ‘A’.

Get together if you so desire, with those who share your definition of ‘A’. Coz it will be easiest to make deals with them.

Coz then, u’ll be trading Dollars with dollars. And it is always more complicated to trade dollars with pounds.

How does it relate to this post now…

A is any object, abstract notion, person or anything, that may inspire an emotion, or may itself be one.

I must have my right to define A. You must have yours. If we donot agree on the concept, we must not strike a deal between ourselves.

Again, all freedom granted until it is abused, and infringes upon that of another.

Another thing,

I feel that an emotion when used recklessly loses its spirit- its charm, its potential.

If you express ‘anger’- at the drop of a hat .. without real sufficient cause to do so..

Say, you yell at your junior every now and then, just to ‘rub in’ you status as the boss. When you are really upset with his substandard performance, or shoddy work, your yelling will not hold great impact, coz they are used to it …

*yawn with a curse* would be the response

But if chosen and used carefully, anger well directed and at appropriate timings, can cause a real effect- and be really impactful.

Note the apparently fake quality that creeps in, into the forever smiling, kissing in the air, (with oohs and aahs), socialite-like-personalities … it is tough to make out the real smile from the plastic one … and poor things, are suspected of fake emotions at all times, even when those may be perfectly genuine.

And the same applies to all the other emotions …

To use a very crude analogy, reckless (ab)use of emotions is like picking up ur warmest woolen cloth for simple winter season, and using it, cleaning it… using it, cleaning it … repeatedly… until most of its fabric weathers out .. and it loses its original spirit- purpose or quality, which was ‘warmth’.

Alternatively, one can save it for special occasions, such as the trip to the Himalayas, the Atlantic or heck, any other REALLY cold place u might chose to spend your vacation at. This would be special: the usage would be memorable, coz of the memorable context. You will get the warmth you so badly desire, and only this woolen cloth could have provided you ( which if used recklessly earlier, you would not have at ur disposal Now)

Now, none of the usages can be declared wrong.

It is totally your call.

Option A gives you the advantage of assured usage : what if the Special occasion never does occur in ur entire lifetime. What a Waste! Better use it at a below-capability level – just like any other ordinary woolen cloth.

Option B à Gives u the advantage of the benefit of the real, blissful pleasure that the thing alone has to offer to you- in a way that no other woolen can.

Take your call :)

And have the guts to face the consequences of whatever stand you might have chosen.

That, in the truest sense, is Liberation. That which, no one else but you can accord to your self.

PS. Wondering why this post suddenly? Actually, we have an exam on Monday..

Errr ….I had opened my book. (Organization Design and Development *yawn*)

And I decided to take a ‘break’ ;)



Arps said...

*i'd written a whole long comment frm cell & tried posting it..but i guess it never reached here..damn mobile web!!*

anyways..loved the verse & even the stuff after it.
:) :)

Ronald Weasley said...

aaaaann.. I want to know what your comment was :( .. why did it get deleted ! damn mobile web!!! x-(

u cannot imagine how good i feel abt the fact that you read this post, n even liked it!! :-O
honestly, i was thinking, it would be one of those things again, that we donot quite 'connect' on, these days ... :)
i was 110% sure that you wouldn't be interested in the post! but i am soo glad that u do KNOW the sentiment contained in it, at some level ... thanku arps... thanku!!

vagabond dreamer said...

poetic weasly :D now ive seen every thing. well it was nice. i 3wanted to ask you some thing. are u this way in person, do u always wear your emotions on your sleeve or are u different online. oh and hi there doc

Ronald Weasley said...

Hey Shanu!! ... Welcome Back ..
*red carpet welcome* :) .. where were you awwll this time?? ...

and u have 'seen everything' .. ? as in? ..
and about the 'expressing emotions' bit :) ..
actually, my idea in this verse was not abt "expressing" emotions ..
but abt Experiencing it in the real sense ..
an emotion TOLD is not necessarily .. Told to the world ..but to urself- to begin with - to affirm the sense of it within you ..
e.g, isn't there some kinda pleasure in pain too? in sitting by yourself, n letting tears roll down- when something has gone wrong ... to mourn a loss .. or a failure ? .. rather than, say,refusing to acknowledge the pain - the failure, the loss? .. and manifesting what cud have been pain or tears in the form of misdirected anger n frustration with others (contrary behaviour).. or just refusing to take "time-out" .. coz u think it's a sign of weakness or defeat to cry ..?
OR a better example .. and what my real point was ...
when u donot like something.. u must not pretend to.
If your friend steals,lies or stabs others... which makes u uncomfortable inside [if it doesnt, then it's fine!].. but if it does,if u cant stop them frm doing it ... u can protest- and ask them to mend their ways,or else! .. or AT LEAST u can register ur disapproval with them ... if u do neither ... thinking .. 'oh .. al jus turn a blind eye... so i dun see this mess' ... u ain't free - ur in a sick turmoil inside .. !

And the REAL essence of this verse- u dont have to 'feel what the romans feel, even if in rome'! ..
coz a feeling artificially induced, is not a feeling at all, it is a bodily response/ reaction!

A corollary wud also be that you MUST allow urself the freedom to not smile at a person who does NOT inspire a smile in you .. :-) ..
Reserve the smiles for thanking those who deserve a blessing in that manner, for making ur world a better place to live ..
Again! Awwwl of this is My own sense of life ... not necessarily someone else's .. it is my A.
The last bit of the verse... is basically about quitting pretense .. which is tough in today's world - people RAISE eyebrows at u, if u dont find their humour haha- funny, n the like ..
and it also conveys the sanctity of certain relationships .. :) somehow, i cant bring myself to elaborate on that ... in fact, i havent been able to explicitly share the meaning of the verse here.. somehow, have lost the will/ desire to explain, since the past few months ! ....
PS. contrary to what the verse might have conveyed, I try my best to shed tears ONLY in a forum which truly deserves to share my pain :D .. i think tears are sacred too, n deserve the solemn audience of those who REALLY CARE about 'em.. so u see, my idea is NOT that one must necessarily wear emotions on one's sleeve (many times, i wud advise against it) - but that one must respect the pleasure that a real emotion, truly FELT can give .. :-) ...

BOY!! how can i ramble on n on .. u actually provoked me into roughly detailing the idea briefly touched upon in that post - coz of time constraints earlier :D ..
anyway, al shut up now.. peace!

Vidya Natarajan said...

I like it :)

Ronald Weasley said...


:D I like it too! :P

Thanks for dropping by :)


Pehchaan kaun! said...

You are very good at penning down ideas, congrats! Well you seem to have a very similar thought process. Oh boy! What a post, super awesome. Keep writing.

Anonymous said...

Hi ,

I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be very good.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog ‘Confessions of a Raconteur...’ took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;

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This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)
