Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Blank Verse


Said, and unsaid.

conveyed...and wished in silence.

Yearning ..
little understood. But Felt.
A crescendo .. ending, just before the climax..

A sigh...
and unsettling, and sweet.

Too many, too few.
Unreal. Hollow.
And deep-the ones not uttered.

A tear...
Rolling down the cheek.
In pain; Exhilaration;
Pleasure; Despair.
And the one held back .. beneath the lids..
protected. uncontaminated.
Unwilling to flow. Proud.

A Friend...

That is Self. Critical, honest, loyal. Difficult.
An Alter-ego. The Desired- Non-existent. Somewhere.

A Desire. A Goal.

Within. Without.
Expressed- unfelt.
Felt. Expressed?
Felt .. not entirely understood.

A Thought...

Undefined, and visible.
All around.
Clearly etched-within...

So beautiful, It hurts.
Held back. Protected.
Articulated. To no avail.
Cherished. Withdrawn.


Borrowed, Cosmetic,
and Seen- often.
Rejuvenating. Warm,
Hidden- rare.

A verse ...

such as this.

Blank. Sans rhyme.
But, music to the heart.
A verse- Not composed.
But causing one to write.


Arps said...

wow!! this one was good...!!! & for a change, i actually GOT IT *not the deeper meanings tho*....
but somehow, it brought in warmth with it...

well someone's turning into a prolific what-do-dey-call-it... POET!!!

keep writing!! waitin for more..

Ronald Weasley said...

:D :D
yeahh *grinning her u-saw-it-on-the-webcam-wit-the-cold-coins-in-hand grin :P*..
I wrote this in an ee-mow-shuh-nal mode 4 a change .. no deeper meanings ! :( .. it means something to me-i was OVERWHELMED wen i wrote it!- (wich evn i dunnoo) .. and it may mean anything to u ! .. thts the best part abt poetry, u can choose what each line means to you, and feel the "warmth" :)
cheeeeerss ...
Shruti :)

Ronald Weasley said...

**gold coins n not COLD! ..
my typos are tooo manyyy :(